August 17, 2017
Kentucky Chamber President Says Bigotry and Racism are Bad for the Country, Bad for Business
In light of recent events, Kentucky Chamber President and CEO Dave Adkisson released the following statement Thursday condemning racism and bigotry:
“I am heartened that corporate leaders across the country are speaking out against the bigotry and racism demonstrated in Charlottesville. Bigotry and racism are bad for the country and bad for business. The CEOs of Intel, Merck, 3M and dozens of other leading companies have condemned the violence and hatred that marked last weekend’s clashes in Charlottesville. Their public comments remind me of the slogan adopted by Atlanta business leaders as they worked to overcome the racial clashes of the 60’s: ‘Atlanta, the city that’s too busy to hate’. Business people who are focused on growing their businesses and the prosperity of their communities embrace diversity in their workforces and welcome customers and clients of all backgrounds.”