Kentucky's Winning Strategy

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What is Your Vision for Kentucky's Future?

Kentucky’s Winning Strategy” is the focus of a new plan released by the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce that offers a vision for future talent attraction and business growth in the Commonwealth. In order for Kentucky to achieve its fullest potential, the Chamber has laid out steps that include continuing to transform the Commonwealth’s tax code, building a world-class education system, sustainably investing in infrastructure, leveraging the strengths of our signature industries, improving quality of life, bringing growth to rural communities, and more. Each of the ten steps in “Kentucky’s Winning Strategy” includes key goals for the Commonwealth’s future—a vision for economic opportunity that is focused on high-quality jobs and a rapidly-growing population and workforce.

The 21st century has already shown itself to be an age of rapid change and transition. We live in a time in which protecting the status quo means being left behind. It’s time we embrace a shared vision of a stronger Kentucky centered on jobs, growth, and opportunity for all and pursue the changes necessary to bring this vision to life.

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Where Kentucky Stands in Best States For Business Rankings

Several major media publications and think tanks produce annual rankings of the 50 states for their business climates, business friendliness, and economic outlook. These rankings look at factors like tax policy, workforce availability and quality, infrastructure, quality of life, labor and environmental regulations, the cost of doing business, and more. Kentucky has made forward progress in recent years on several of these rankings. As the Commonwealth pursues the vision outlined in this document, our goal must be to move up to the top 10 best states for business.