The Kentucky Chamber of Commerce, in conjunction with The National Council for Public-Private Partnerships (NCPPP), bring you The Kentucky P3: Public-Private Partnerships Conference which will address the opportunities and obstacles facing the Commonwealth. You’ll get an in-depth look at Kentucky's new P3 legislation and what it means for businesses and government entities across the state.

Schedule (Tentative and subject to change.)

DAY ONE: 8 a.m. registration | 8:30 a.m. program begins | 5 p.m. program adjourns and networking reception begins
DAY TWO: 8 a.m. registration | 8:30 a.m. program begins | 3:30 p.m. program adjourns


$595 Non-members

$495 Kentucky Chamber/The National Council for Public Partnerships* members

$295 Non-profit/Goverment

Members of The National Council for Public-Private Partnerships should contact Lori Jo Goff to register at the member rate.


Special Offer

For each person you register at full price you receive the next one at HALF OFF!
Special pricing not available online. Contact Lori Jo Goff to register.

Sponsorship Opportunities

For questions or more information contact