Thank Your for Donating!
Thank you so much for the donations through GoFundMe and other donations to the KSR Flood Relief Fund! Thanks to your generosity, the Kentucky Chamber Foundation and Kentucky Sports Radio raised more than $320,000!
So many individuals, businesses, and others have helped those impacted by the devastating flooding in eastern Kentucky.
Kentucky Sports Radio (KSR) and the Kentucky Chamber Foundation partnered to build a relief fund for our fellow Kentuckians to ensure they are able to rebuild.
With the money raised in this fund, our two groups will be working with local communities, local chambers, as well as our state and local elected officials to ensure the needs of these areas are met in the wake of tragedy.
The Kentucky Chamber Foundation, Inc., is a Section 501(c)(3) public charity and donations to it are generally eligible for tax deduction in the United States.
KSR and the Kentucky Chamber are committed to helping rebuild our communities and we appreciate your help and the overwhelming compassion and generosity of so many.
Questions & Resources
Processing Disclaimer:
The Kentucky Chamber Foundation is waiving all fees for administering the Eastern Kentucky Flood Relief Fund. However, please be advised that transactions involving credit cards may be subject to fees assessed by your issuing bank or payment network.
General Disclaimer/Privacy Policy: The Internal Revenue Service recognizes the Kentucky Chamber Foundation, Inc., as a Section 501(c)(3) public charity. Our Federal Tax ID Number is 61-1284992. Contributions to the Kentucky Chamber Foundation may be eligible for tax deduction in the United States. Please consult your tax advisor for eligibility. No goods or services were offered or provided in exchange for this contribution.
By making a donation to this site, you will be asked to provide personal information which may be able to be used to contact or identify you. View our Privacy Policy.