Kentucky Workers' Compensation Seminar - Agenda

8:00 a.m.
Registration and Continental Breakfast (provided)

8:30 a.m.
Welcome and Attendee Questions – Problem Areas
H. Douglas Jones, Esq., JSB Attorneys, PLLC
Margaret J. Menefee, Esq., JSB Attorneys, PLLC

  • What Brought You to This Conference?

All questions/problem areas will be addressed during the conference.

9:00 a.m.
Basics Every Employer Should Know
H. Douglas Jones, Esq., JSB Attorneys, PLLC
Margaret J. Menefee, Esq., JSB Attorneys, PLLC

  • What Constitutes a Work-related Injury?
  • Was the Medical Condition Caused by the Injury?
  • When Do You Owe for a Pre-existing Condition?
  • What Benefits Are Owed to an Injured Employee?

10:30 a.m.
Litigation Process
H. Douglas Jones, Esq., JSB Attorneys, PLLC
Margaret J. Menefee, Esq., JSB Attorneys, PLLC

  • How is a Claim Initiated?
  • Who is Your Administrative Law Judge?
  • Never Miss This Deadline!
  • Full and Final Settlements of All Claims – With Prejudice
    • The Claim is Gone Forever!
  •  Mediation Option
  • Your Day in Court
  • Opinion by Administrative Law Judge

11:00 a.m.
Administrative Law Judge – Panel Presentation 
Moderators: H. Douglas Jones, Esq.
Margaret J. Menefee, Esq., JSB Attorneys, PLLC

Hon. Samuel J. Bach, Administrative Law Judge
Hon. Tonya M. Clemons, Administrative Law Judge
Hon. W. Greg Harvey, Administrative Law Judge

  • What Evidence is Probative and of Value?
  • What Makes the ALJ’s Job More Effective?
  • Is it Helpful for Employers to be Involved in the Litigation Process?
  • What are the Advantages of Settlements Versus an ALJ Opinion?
  • Is Mediation a Viable Alternative for Claim Resolution?

12:00 p.m.
Lunch (provided)

1:00 p.m.
The Workers’ Compensation “Anatomy” of Shoulder Injuries 
John J. Larkin, M.D., Orthopaedic Surgeon, Beacon Orthopaedics

  • How to Reduce Shoulder Injuries – Ergonomic Realities
  • Treatment Plans that Work 
  • Effective Work Re-entry Strategies – a Team Approach

2:30 p.m.
EHS Strategies that Work…and some that Don’t 
Mike Randall, EHS Senior Specialist, Toyotetsu America, Inc.

  • State-of-art Strategies
  • Implementation Challenges
  • How to Navigate Roadblocks
  • Facilitating Management Buy-in
  • Team Approach

3:30 p.m.
Question and Answer
H. Douglas Jones, Esq., JSB Attorneys, PLLC
Margaret J. Menefee, Esq., JSB Attorneys, PLLC

Presenters will address any questions and problem areas previously raised that were not covered during the conference. Presenters will clarify topics previously addressed if needed and cover new topics as requested. The goal is for all attendees’ questions to be thoroughly answered.

4:00 p.m.
34th Workers’ Compensation Seminar Adjourns